A lifetime of health and preventative care from Citro's new partner

Citro is partnering with innovative digital clinics Juniper and Pilot to deliver proactive and preventive healthcare that allows all Australians to age with support and medically backed treatments (while saving the public healthcare purse).
By Citro
Society has changed but our healthcare system hasn’t really been able to keep up.
We are living longer lives, but not always healthier and active lives. The evidence is undeniable – long wait times, rising out-of-pocket costs, inefficient systems, out-of-date attitudes, issues of access, the list goes on.
Citro is proud to partner with innovative digital clinics like Juniper and Pilot, who are tackling women’s and men’s health with new holistic and digital delivery methods.
Both brands - owned by parent company Eucalyptus - have pioneered holistic preventive healthcare, coaching and treatments tailored to our busy lives.
They focus on increasing access to life-changing medical treatments, and pairing treatment plans with lifestyle coaching from weight management experts, supporting patients to maintain their results long-term. Discreet and efficient home delivery, supportive member communities, and one-on-one nutrition and movement support delivered via an award-winning app are just some of the offerings available to support men and women on their better health journeys.,

Health is about prevention, not just treatment
As medicine advances and we all live longer, it’s clear that proactive healthcare –– especially preventing issues before they have a chance to develop –– is just as important as treating disease.
By identifying our risk of developing new conditions and treating health conditions early, we can change the trajectory of our lives (and health).
Eucalyptus - who have rolled out their preventive healthcare models in the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan with ambitions to go global - have saved Australia’s Medicare system more than $30m by working alongside independent GPs and prescribing treatments through a high-touch care telehealth model.
Citro is proud to partner with digital clinics driving solutions to create change that give us affordable preventive health treatment without clogging up GP waiting rooms or hospital beds.
Won’t you take a look at what they can offer?