10 surprising habits that could be ageing you prematurely

Did you know that every hour of TV you watch can reduce your life by 22 minutes? Yikes. Read on for this and other unexpected behaviours that aren’t doing your longevity any favours.
By Sabrina Rogers-Anderson
You’ve quit smoking, cut back on drinking, started walking every day and cleaned up your diet, so surely you’re on track to get a 100th birthday letter from the King?
While those lifestyle changes are undoubtedly key ingredients for a long and healthy life, some lesser-known habits could be surreptitiously shortening your lifespan.
Curbing these 10 behaviours could help you smash stereotypes about ageing and live your best second chapter of life. (Some of them are truly unexpected!)
1. You walk but don’t lift
Walking is a fantastic way to stay active, so kudos if you’ve made it part of your daily routine. But getting your heart pumping and keeping your muscles strong are also critical components of healthy ageing.
Moderate to vigorous physical activity – such as brisk walking, swimming, aerobics or jogging – reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. It also helps maintain strong bones and boosts mental wellbeing.
And while strength training might seem like the exclusive domain of the young, a growing body of research proves how important it is as we age.
A University of Sydney study of more than 80,000 people found that it reduces the risk of early death by 23% and of cancer-related death by 31%. In a separate study, six months of strength training was shown to slow or even halt cognitive degeneration.
The Department of Health and Aged Care recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 do 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate exercise or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous activity each week. They should also perform muscle-strengthening activities - such as lifting weights, body-weight exercises or household tasks - two days a week.
People aged 65 and over should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week to prevent falls and keep illnesses at bay. They should also try to incorporate strength, flexibility and balancing activities into their routine.
2. You keep cancelling plans with friends
Research clearly demonstrates the wide range of physical and mental health benefits associated with having a solid social network.
One review of 148 studies found that older adults (average of 63.9 years) with stronger social relationships had a 50% increased likelihood of survival over the studies’ duration (average of 7.5 years) compared to those with less social support.
The less we socialise, the harder it can feel. So, make a point of catching up with friends regularly – even if it’s just for a quick coffee.
3. You ignore your depression
It might feel easier to ignore your low mood than face it head on, but studies show it could make you age faster.
Several parts of the brain have been found to shrink and lose grey matter volume in people with depression.
These include the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory, and the prefrontal cortex, the part responsible for higher-level thinking.
In the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety, people with depression experienced changes to their DNA that made them biologically older than their chronological age by an average of 8 months.
Some participants with severe depression were biologically 10 to 15 years older than their actual age.
From therapy to medication, there are several ways to treat depression and get your life back. Talk to your GP today if you’ve been feeling low for more than a few weeks.
4. You think you’re old
Worrying about getting older could make you age faster, according to research published in The Journals of Gerontology.
Older adults were asked to report their levels of stress and troublesome physical symptoms daily. On days where they reported feeling higher levels of stress, they also reported more physical symptoms. But participants who had positive self-perceptions of ageing – or felt good about getting older – reported both lower levels of stress and physical ailments.
It seems that embracing the “age is just a number” philosophy may help you stay young.
5. You watch TV every day
It probably won’t come as a surprise that skipping your workout to binge watch your favourite show won’t do you any favours, but did you know that watching just 1 hour of TV when you’re over the age of 25 could shorten your life by nearly 22 minutes?
That’s what an Australian study of more than 11,000 people found. The researchers concluded that watching half an hour of TV had the same health impact as smoking one cigarette and that an adult who watches an average of 6 hours of TV a day will live an average of 4.8 years less than someone who doesn’t watch TV.
We’re not suggesting you cancel your streaming account, but it’s wise to take stock of your viewing habits. Instead of mindlessly turning on the TV when you get home from work, try listening to a podcast while you walk or jog around the neighbourhood.
6. You refuse to slow down
Does your to-do list always seem to get longer no matter how many items you cross off it? It might be time to pump the brakes.
Harvard researchers discovered that, like depression, stress changes our DNA and increases our biological age. The good news? When the stress stops, our biological age rewinds.
So, just say no to the bake sale and extra volunteering hours. Your longevity could depend on it!
7. You think meditation and yoga are fluff
These practices might seem airy-fairy, but they can keep your body and mind young for years to come.
In a series of studies, UCLA researchers found that people who meditate regularly have less age-related brain atrophy, stronger connections between different regions of the brain and more grey matter as they age.
Scientists also discovered that 12 weeks of regular yoga training significantly boosted participants’ levels of 2 hormones associated with youth and anti-ageing.
Could “om” be the password to the fountain of youth?
8. You slouch
If you’re expecting to read that slouching causes back pain, prepare to have your mind blown: several research reviews have found absolutely no evidence to support this widely held belief.
But there is some evidence that an upright posture can boost our self-esteem and mood, help us stay more alert and make us more resilient to stress – which we know can increase our biological age. Who knew?
9. You sleep less than 7 hours a night
You might feel like you only need 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night to function, but not getting enough sleep is one of the main causes of premature ageing.
Adults 50 and over should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to avoid a higher risk of health conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
Lack of sleep can also impact your memory, mood, immune system and balance. So, don’t scrimp on those ZZZs!
10. You avoid the sun
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, leading many Aussies to avoid the sun almost entirely.
But sunlight has a number of health benefits, including the production of vitamin D. More than 1 in 3 Aussies have vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis, bone pain and joint pain.
Getting enough sun can also reduce high blood pressure and boost the immune system, mood and sleep quality.
So, how much sunlight do you need to reap its benefits? On average, people with light skin need 10 to 15 minutes a day and those with darker skin tones need 25 to 40 minutes. These numbers can vary depending on how strong the sun is where you live.
The good news is that sunscreen doesn’t inhibit the production of vitamin D, so you can still be sun safe while getting your D.
10 small steps for a long life
Making small tweaks to your lifestyle can have a big impact on your longevity. Who’s ready to buy some dumbbells and make a dinner date with a mate?
Feature image: iStock/svetikd
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